Sunday, October 31, 2021

Good Sense From A Few


Good Sense From A Few

By Jeffrey M. Bowen 

The sky won’t fall

Though the naysayer says it.

And bad news never lasts

If we starve all its credit

The fact of the matter,

Everyone makes mistakes.

That’s just how we learn

What is real, what is fake.

Good sense from a few

May be just enough glue

To hold our best pieces together

We live in a world that

Sometimes will shatter.

But then comes a time

To look for what matters.

Pottery lasts

Because it is fired.

So a furnace of strife

Shows us how hard we’re wired.

Good sense from a few

May be just enough glue

To hold our best pieces together.

There’s no reason why

We can’t keep on believing.

No reason why

We must be self-deceiving.

We get lost, we get tossed,

But why lose time grieving?

Storms never last,

They run out of rain.

We all just get wet,

We all share some pain,

But the storms will pass by,

So why wonder why:

Good sense from a few

May be just enough glue

To hold our best pieces together.



November 2021