Saturday, June 23, 2018

A Trip Into the Swamp

By Jeffrey M. Bowen

I stood in my back yard
And pondered the pine forest.
It looked calm, still, inviting.
As I walked in, pungent pine needles cushioned my feet.
Patches of bright sunlight and
Blankets of quiet shade created peacefulness.
The terrain levelled out.
Gradually, almost Imperceptibly,
The ground started to shift.
My feet began to squish.
I stumbled a bit as swampy water
Curled around my boots.
There were more mosquitoes who wanted my blood,
Persistently seeking patches of skin to exploit.
Soon I sank to my calves.
And then to my knees.
Reedy little islands beckoned.
I pushed toward one but could not reach it.
With each step I sank in further.
No longer could I move anywhere.
The swamp made sucking sounds.
Crickets answered and small frogs
Croaked as dusk approached.
Then dimly I spotted a man watching me.
Leaning against a scrawny tree on more solid ground,
He stared at my helpless situation
And seemed to smirk.
Then I heard him say,
Relax, you are SO safe,
In fact, you are in the best place ever.
Count my helping you get out.
But what have you got to give me back?
I like leverage and loyalty.
Can you give me that?
Compassion?  Forget it.
Give me your soul instead.
I gasped, could hardly breathe.
I said, OMG, are you the devil or something?
Why have I have been trapped by this mess.
How did my beautiful pine forest turn into a swamp?
He smiled quite gleefully and said,
Credit me. I did this, all me.
I have a real talent for it.
 You see, it is easy to trap people into getting what I want,
I make sure they have no choice.
Desperately, I grasped at surrounding swamp grass.
It just tore loose.
Then I noticed a noxious smell of methane gas and saw bubbles rising to the oily top.
I swore at this strange, alien figure,
But he just stood and smiled at me.
What can I do, I furiously yelled, as I swatted buzzing insects.
And by the way, how the hell did YOU get here?
Oh that was simple he replied:
I promised everyone I would make them great again.
I made sure those who opposed me got hated more.
All I needed was to be elected, to become the chosen one.
Then I built a swamp.  It works. I win. All the rest is fake news.
No one works together to get themselves out of this swamp.
They just argue about it and
Disagree over what part of the swamp they come from.
Don’t you remember?
You did this to yourself.
Let me know when you start swimming in your own juices.
Then you can count on me to give you another promise.


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