Competition and Cooperation Go Together in
Years ago at my elementary school, we used to play marbles
at recess. The rules were a variation on
pool, and the winner took all. What made
this running competition unique was that our teacher, Miss Magnusson, a
towering woman of Nordic heritage, loved to play too. She won more than her share, and kept her
winnings in a large sock. At the end of
the day, she always made us line up to shake hands with her. She told us this was to show there were no
hard feelings.
Now I realize that Miss Magnusson was watching how we
interacted as we played the game. She
was subtly guiding our social adjustment. Her handshake was about sportsmanship. Early on, we found that competition arouses
great passions. It tempts us to think in
terms of winning or losing, good versus bad, and we/they orientations.
What is more, I learned that competitions live by
rules. Too much creativity or free thinking
earns penalties because it may risk unfair advantages and muddy purposes. Outdoing others is fruitless unless everyone
is doing the same thing. Also, I found
that cooperation is built into not just team sports, but into nearly every
classroom endeavor. Nowadays this is
often called project-based learning.
As high school
students, we vied for grades and test scores, girls’ attentions, contest
prizes, and ultimately for college admission.
Cooperation paid off as well.
For instance, without regular help from my math-savvy girlfriend, I
never could have made it through algebra.
Thinking back, I realize that the key to success in school life was
figuring out when and how to compete or cooperate to reach a goal. I learned that winning and losing are not a
zero-sum game, but that both can produce a positive and lasting result. Teachers and parents alike can help children
realize this.
About 30 years ago, Alfie Kohn’s research provided telling
insights. Cooperation, he observed,
nurtures high achievement and performance, while competition among children can
generate anxiety and low self-
esteem. Nonetheless,
we find or invent competitive contests for almost any activity or skill. Think of the “Last Survivor” or the “Great
Cook-Off”. In almost any field,
Americans see competition as the ideal way to measure self-worth or
success. Our cultural obsession is to
Kohn distinguishes between intentional and structural
competition. Intentions, he says, are
the real villain because they compel us to be number one regardless of the
psychological cost to others or ourselves. Sound familiar?
My point is that competition and cooperation are both
learned, although I believe our personalities may predispose us more toward one
than the other. From our earliest years
on, these two motives intertwine and share a big impact on youthful attitudes
and destinies.
I urge us to seek consistency. It is no small task. We teach children to
compete on teams and to subordinate individual interests to those of the group,
but we may contradict this by glorifying individual efforts and unique
performances. Trophies may be awarded
for teamwork, but scholarships are reserved for the individual and not the
group. We are immensely entertained by athletic contests. We depend on grading as the best measure of
academic accomplishments. However, we
bemoan the displacement of learning goals and the psychological scars these
features can create. The winning record
of the high school’s football team thrills us, yet the bullying that results from
social competition may horrify us.
Competition and
cooperation are by no means opposites; they feed one another. We can help our children gain perspective by
showing them that success and failure are not truly about keeping score. Neither winning nor losing should be as important
than how the game is played.
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