Friday, April 28, 2017

By Jeffrey M. Bowen

The roads below weave endless lines,
While far above we love the signs
Of purpose in these random rubs
Across a sun-bleached land of scrub.

Like furrows plowed with no intent,
The routes stretch on without relent
Until a sudden end arrives
So quickly motives won’t survive.

From far above they look like Mars
Journeys lost among the stars.
Did humans really build these roads?
Perhaps they spell out secret codes?

Each groove a story line untold
Of puffs of dust on trails to gold,
Or noble moves in God’s great plan
Amidst the miles of barren land.

I contemplate their mysteries,
Knowing well that some old man
Could tell their history.
No youngster could have drawn these lines,
But old men’s faces show such signs

Of bygone life and worn out creases.
Yet nothing ever truly ceases.
All roads lead to some salvation,
But learning whose is divination.

J. Bowen 11/18/15

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