Education Should Be Personalized
Instead of Mismeasured
Having spent our professional careers either studying or applying
trends in education, we look for unifying themes and big ideas. At the
top of our list is overwhelming evidence that education works best when it is
personalized. This means fitted to the needs, interests, talents, and
aspirations of each student.
Special educators rely on individual educational plans, but
somehow the idea gets diluted when mixed into the educational mainstream.
State and federal policymakers, holders of purse strings, and others who
have little direct contact with students, seem to ignore certain realities.
For one, we will never personalize education as long as we confuse
achievement with proficiency scores on state or national assessments, and use
undifferentiated instructional methods.
For another, we will fail as long as we mistake readiness for
postsecondary education with readiness for life, and use uniform learning
standards as a substitute for nuanced, comprehensive judgment.
Finally, student motivation is kindled by caring relationships
with teachers, personally relevant curriculum, and confidence that material can
be mastered. The will to learn cannot be
externally imposed.
Clear standards are needed, but they are essentially guides to
assure accountability, document results, and, by no coincidence, to generate
profit for marketers of testing and teaching materials. Common Core standards raise the bar, but not
everyone is ready to jump over it at the same time, or in the same way. Not
everyone is shaped by the same mold. We
laud students’ diversity but default to evaluation designs that assume
uniformity. Instead we need to sharpen our focus on educational
programs, support systems, technologies, and assessment strategies that are
richly varied and tailored to the unique vision and plans for what each student
can become.
This is no easy task for at least two reasons. First,
it is hard and complex work to meet the challenges of treating students as
uniquely equipped individuals. Second, we still are trapped in a
century-old paradigm of schools as sites of efficiency and standardized
productivity. Bureaucrats reinforce the trap by trying to convince us that test
results show us falling hopelessly behind in a worldwide economic competition.
It is exceptional to find schools where students’ individuality is celebrated
and strengthened by providing a full range of personally formative learning
Our communities will see improved results from schools when
educators are encouraged, and professionally prepared, to treat each child as a
potentially unique success story. Students
ultimately have to choose their own routes toward success or failure once they
leave school. While they are still with us, why can’t we complement rather than
mismeasure and override their emerging destinies?
Note: by Jeffrey and Hillary
Bowen , former superintendents at Pioneer and West Valley
Central School
Districts , respectively.
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